My First Job Was
My first job was a lifeguard for our neighborhood pool. I was great at testing water and laying down the law with kids.
Best Advice I’ve Received
This might sound silly, but being told to “take notes/write things down” has been an incredibly impact message. When you get out of school you think that taking notes is just for the classroom. I learned that it is incredibly powerful and we’re hard-wired to think “we’ll remember what they said”. To me, writing notes helps me remember the conversation or key details. It allows me to go back to something years later that I may not remember at the time.
Valuable Lessons I’ve Learned
In no particular order, here are some of the most important lessons: 1. Empower your team and make sure they feel appreciated/valued, 2. Give (and be open to receiving) timely constructive feedback, 3. Understand the why behind the “what you’re doing”, 4. Develop a professional network
Top Strengths
Accounting & Finance, Management, Operations