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Business Profile

  • Photographer Jacqui DePas Schlosser stands behind a camera

Get to Know By Jacqui Photography… and Pick Up a Few Tips

Jacqui DePas Schlosser's headshot Jacqui DePas Schlosser

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… to take pictures. Whether it’s snapping a picture of the changing fall colors in Virginia, or grabbing a family picture for an upcoming holiday card, fall seems to bring out the photographer in many of us. But for local Richmond area photographer, Jacqui DePas Schlosser, a second-generation professional photographer, every day is about getting that perfect shot— and she’s sharing her tips.

After studying at Hofstra University and the Corcoran, Schlosser apprenticed under some of the best photographers in the fashion and portrait industry in DC and New York before opening her own company, By Jacqui Photography, in 2012. In 2018 she and her family relocated to Richmond, where she’s been steadily building her client base ever since, focusing on […]

By |2023-04-06T15:01:19-04:00November 17, 2022|Spotlight|0 Comments

Get Organized with Minima Organizing

Kristen Ziegler, Owner of Minima.

In today’s consumer-driven world, many of us seem to be acquiring more and more stuff constantly. From Amazon deliveries to local shopping trips, we often seem to accumulate items at a much faster pace than we are getting rid of them but a local Richmond business is here to help. 

Founded in 2010 by Kristen Ziegler, Minima offers organizing and redesign services for the home, workspace, move, or renovation. Ziegler draws on her background as an architect to create spaces that are both beautiful and functional, and while she herself is a minimalist, she does not expect her clients to be. 

“The word minima is a calculus term that references the smallest value on a function curve. In organizing, we […]

By |2022-10-06T15:09:46-04:00October 6, 2022|Itineraries|0 Comments
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