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Orenduff & Associates

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Accounting & Finance

We’ve been helping RVA area business owners achieve financial success since 1974. A company retirement plan should be a benefit and not a burden.

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We’ve been helping RVA area business owners achieve financial success since 1974. A company retirement plan should be a benefit and not a burden. Small business owners and managers find much of their net worth invested in the business, so we can help diversify, grow and protect your family’s finances.


Fee Structure: Flat Fee Based on Projects; Other Options

Free Introduction: Yes

Price Range: $$

Employee Benefit Plan Audits, Finance, Financial Wellness

Parallel Management Company

Business Name 4


At Parallel Management Company, we guide managers and HR professionals to create collaborative, productive, profitable teams that excel.

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Stretching outside your comfort zone to manage your people and your processes in parallel isn?t easy. But if you want a productive team that achieves team goals, it?s worth it. Most of us either work well with people OR with business systems and structure – but effective managers must know how to do both. At Parallel Management Company, we guide managers and HR professionals to create collaborative, productive, profitable teams that excel. Our state-of-the-art assessment tools, team-building events, and custom consulting solutions will take you and your team to the next level. Start your journey to better teaming today.


Fee Structure: Flat Fee Based on Projects; Retainer

Free Introduction: […]

By |2022-10-31T15:44:14-04:00January 10, 2022|Management|0 Comments
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