FAQs - InUnison
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Will you have events?

At this time, we are shifting to a new, more focused type of social gathering – one that is built around learning and relationship building. We want each encounter you make through your membership to be a meaningful one, which will help you become stronger as a business and unite us all as a community.

By |2022-03-18T18:10:40-04:00March 18, 2022||0 Comments

Why should my business join?

You should join InUnison if you are part of a local business that:

  • Qualifies as a local, independent business
  • Believes in the collective power of businesses working together
  • Wants to be inspired by the work happening in our community
  • Needs access to trusted resources, and
  • Has an aspiration to advance your business
By |2022-03-18T18:03:24-04:00March 18, 2022||0 Comments

What has changed – is it just a name change?

InUnison is a reimagination of our entire organization and its benefits. In 2019, the RMA knew change was necessary. We began evaluating our purpose, conducting research, and building a stronger foundation to support our local business community. As a result, we’ve become even more accessible, both in cost and in access to benefits. And our benefits align with what our business community wants – because they’re based on what you’ve told us.

By |2022-03-18T18:02:38-04:00March 18, 2022||0 Comments

Who is InUnison?

InUnison is an organization dedicated to the success of locally owned, independent businesses in the Richmond region. With roots in the area’s Retail Merchants Association, our organization brings businesses together to learn, collaborate, be heard and advance as a whole.

By |2022-03-18T17:57:08-04:00March 18, 2022||0 Comments
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